How to Maintain Your Winter Fitness Routine

winter workout routines

Learn how to maintain your winter fitness routine when temperatures start dropping and the daylight hours are shorter. It is easy to give up your workout routine to hibernate on the couch. We know that everyone needs an occasional break or rest day from their workout routine. Rest days are important but during the winter … Read more

What Are The Most Common Lower Body Injuries for Athletes?

Common Lower Body Injuries

What are the most common lower body injuries for athletes? Athletes know it takes hard work and dedication to stay physically fit if they want to remain competitive. Playing sports for a living or for exercise isn’t always easy. But the sense of accomplishment that you feel when you are able to overcome personal challenges … Read more

How to Use S.M.A.R.T Goals to Create Your Fitness Plan

Smart Goals to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Tired of not meeting your fitness goals? Are you setting yourself up for failure before you even get started? Let’s learn how to use S.M.A.R.T goals to create your fitness plan. Let’s take a look at how S.M.A.R.T goals can help you achieve both your short-term and long-term fitness goals. Grab a pen and piece … Read more

Best Way to Freshen Up After a Lunchtime Workout

Best Way to Freshen Up After a Lunchtime Workout 1 (1)

Working out at lunchtime is a great way to sneak in your daily workout. However, showering after your workout isn’t always possible since most companies don’t have showers in the employee bathrooms. Heading back to work out without showering is guaranteed to offend your co-workers or customers. They don’t want to smell you or your … Read more

Can You Get Physically Fit in 30 Minutes a Day?

Can You Get Physically Fit in 30 Minutes a Day

Did you set a New Year’s resolution to get your act together and start focusing on your meeting your fitness goals or improving your overall health? But can you really get physically fit in 30 minutes a day? When most people set New Year’s resolutions to improve their fitness level or overall health, many people … Read more