What are the most common lower body injuries for athletes? Athletes know it takes hard work and dedication to stay physically fit if they want to remain competitive. Playing sports for a living or for exercise isn’t always easy. But the sense of accomplishment that you feel when you are able to overcome personal challenges and continue to improve in your sport. It is easy for professional athletes to fall into complacency about maintaining their own fitness levels, even if the athlete has a reputable work ethic.
Disclosure: We aren’t doctors and can’t diagnose your symptoms. If you have an injury, please go to the nearest emergency room or see your doctor for more information about these common lower body injuries.
When athletes get complacent, they may begin workouts without giving the proper time to warm up their muscles or perform appropriate strengthening movements. It is easy to fall into this trap. But long term neglect can lead to some of the most common sports injuries leaving you unable to exercise until your injury is fully healed.
Most popular sports put athletes at risk for injuries in the lower quadrant of the body. Athletes should train effectively and keep their muscles strong in order to prevent one of the injuries below.
Ankles Sprains
Ankle sprains and strains are often caused by a wrong step or landing but having weak ankles can be a contributing cause to your injury. Your ankles play a major role in movement and absorbing impact. Most sports require athletes to remain agile while performing techniques and skills during their performance. The number one sports injury according to WebMD is a sprained ankle.
Sprains are generally painful and depending on the severity of the sprain, could potentially require surgery. The best way to prevent injury is to keep the ligaments in the ankles strong by doing plyometric exercises on a regular basis. As you are performing skills, it is important to make sure you are using good form and proper foot placement to avoid a misstep.
Knee Injuries
The knee allows you the ability to move in an upright position while supporting your body weight. Sports that involve running, cutting, and jumping can leave you prone to injury if any of the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments are weak. Knee injuries come to us in many forms because they are a connecting piece between so many important muscles and ligaments including the hamstrings, quads, ACL, and IT band. There are several different types of injuries that can happen around the knee joint. You can suffer from overuse, hyperextension, or changing speed or direction too quickly.
Preventing knee injury has to start with basic strengthening exercises. You may also incorporate movements using resistance bands to help build muscle and fortify your knees. If you find yourself with a knee injury, it is important to remember as many details as possible surrounding the injury so that the doctor can determine what type of injury occurred. Getting the right treatment can help you recover quickly from your injury and return to playing as quickly as possible.

Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition that causes the thick band of tissues in the bottom of your foot to become inflamed. You will most likely notice symptoms as soon as your feet hit the floor. As the day goes on the pain may slowly fade unless you spend time on your feet for long periods of time. When you are playing sports, your feet need to be functioning properly and you don’t need pain keeping you on the sidelines.
Prevention is the best way to keep plantar fasciitis from striking. Recovery can be slow and may require a visit to the doctor. Always monitor the amount of running you do, stretch your Achilles, and address any issues specific to your feet. It is best to see a podiatrist for flat feet or if you notice pain after being on your feet too much.
Hip Bursitis
Hip bursitis is another painful condition that can make playing sports quite difficult. The pain is usually felt on the outside of the hip, making it very difficult to lay on. Once the hip bursa becomes inflamed, its usual function of decreasing friction with the IT band can become quite painful from walking up stairs to lying on one side.
Strengthening exercises like lateral leg lifts and core strength exercises can help to prevent and recover from this injury. According to Dr. Jason G. Dalling from BHD Orthopedic Surgery, persistent symptoms may warrant a corticosteroid injection to alleviate symptoms in addition to guided physical therapy. You can visit BHD Orthopedic Surgery for more information about preventing and treating this or other athletic injuries.
Lower body sports injuries can make working out, practicing, or going to games difficult. Stretching, strength training, and keeping your supporting muscles strong can help prevent injuries and keep you healthy. If you do endure one of these common lower body sports injuries, the sooner you great treatment the quicker you can return to your normal routine.