Do you struggle with finding ways to motivate you to work exercise? I realize that when you get home from work you’re tired, possibly have a family to feed and bathed and a billion other excuses that keep you from just getting it done. From time to time, we all need motivation to just get something done and once you finish your workout oftentimes you realize that you feel so much better when you are done. Working out may even give you that extra burst of energy at the end of the day to get everything done too.
What Are the Best Ways to Motivate You to Exercise?
Try these 13 ways to motivate you to exercise when you don’t feel like it or when life gets too busy. Once you finish your workout routine chances are you will feel better and relieved that you didn’t skip out on today.

Remember Why You Started an Exercise Program
Most people start working out because their doctor has recommended it or they are tired of the way their clothes fit. Other people use their weight loss in order to help motivate you to exercise. This should be your number one motivational tip when you just don’t want to work out or can’t seem to find the time in your busy schedule.
Put on Some Upbeat Tunes
When you are feeling unmotivated to workout, put on your workout playlist or cue up some of your favorite upbeat tunes. I use this technique and it is a great way to help motivate you to exercise.
Grab a Workout Buddy
The next time that you’re bored with your workout routine or feeling unmotivated you should grab a workout. There are a ton of great buddy workout routines on Pinterest or you could even come up with your own.
Join a Fitness Class
Fitness classes are not only a ton of fun but they are a great way to learn something new that you might actually enjoy. Showing up for a scheduled fitness class is a great way to help motivate you to exercise on a regular basis. Plus, chances are you will make a few new friends in the class.

Try a New Sport
Have you always wanted to play a certain sport? Sign up and give it a try. There are a ton of options for adults. Joining a sports team is a great idea because there are other people relying on you and all of your teammates to show up in order to play. Even if you aren’t any good, you can still show up and try your best.
Exercise with Your Kids
If you have children, try to find exercises that you can do with your children. Plus, exercising with your children helps set a good example for them and they can learn at an early age the importance of physical activity.
Grab your Camera or Cell Phone to Capture the Scenery
Don’t feel like working out, grab your camera or cell phone and head to the park or your favorite trail. As you are walking around, capture some great photos while you get some exercise.
Put on Your Favorite Workout Clothes
Go change into your favorite set of workout clothes. Seeing your progress will help motivate you to continue what you started.
Track your Progress
Don’t forget to track your progress. You can easily see how far you have already come when you look at your progress.

Keep a Journal to Record How You Feel After Working Out
When you start working out, start a new journal so that you can log everything that your feeling including how you feel after each workout. Refer to this journal when life gets tough or when you don’t feel like working out.
Put Motivational Sticky Notes All-Around
Try posting motivational sayings and quotes around the house so that you’re surrounded by encouraging words.
Set Short and Long-Term Goals
Many people find it easier to stick to a routine when they set short and long-term goals for themselves. Give it a try and see how you do with your goals. Then after you met your goals, make sure that you reward yourself. I don’t suggest that you use food as a reward.
Try Using Fitness Apps
There are some new fitness apps that are pretty cool on Itunes and Google play that can help give you a bit of competition or a challenge. For example, you can use Zombies Run, Missile Wars, Cruise Control, or Fleetly for a bit of healthy competition.
The next time you find yourself unmotivated to work out simply try theseĀ 13 ways to motivate you to exercise. You will be glad that you did it and stuck to your long-term goals. Good luck.